The story of Priority Landscape begins with our owner and his friends shoveling snow for a local landscaper. How this story ends is yet to be told, but for now things are working out pretty well. We are a full service landscaping company specializing in the management of commercial, industrial, and multi-family landscapes. This work is managed by our 50+ employees using our nursery and 5 acre shop. Long term sustainability has always been a staple of the company, as we manage landscapes for the present and future. Using a combination of both maintenance, and designed installation, we are able to rejuvenate older landscapes while keeping newer landscapes in their pristine shape. Take a look around our website to really learn the Priority Landscape story.

Our Vision

“Continuous growth and achievement, developing into an industry-wide role model and leader.”

Our Mission

“Enhance the overall quality of the landscape for each client we service, provide exceptional customer service to all our clients, and ensure the success and development of each employee.”

Core Values


Our Partners

Are you ready to be the PRIORITY?

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